We sold two homes.
We bought a house sight-unseen.
We somehow managed to get into Canada during travel lockdowns.
We drove 5,000 miles.
Our family lived in a truck for 10 days. (Which includes two dogs and a cat.)
We are tired. We haven't showered nearly as much as humans should. And we are made up of 98% McDonald's and 2% Red Bull.
But dammit, we made it. We are ALASKANS.
Life is now calm and tranquil. NOT. We are in the process of closing on our Fairbanks house, so the work continues. But never fear. I shall regale you with harrowing tales from the road posthaste.
For now, I must go eat a vegetable (can someone remind me what those are?) and take a shower.
Oh, we saw some things. Here are a couple pictures. Goodbye.
